Hi, I’m Troy. I’ve had this website for many years, and, although I’ve done many things with it, I’ve never really developed it with any public facing intent. I’m into my sixth decade on this planet, and find myself amazed when people compliment me at the gym or the store, telling me they want to be just like me when they get old! Hahaha. Not really sure how I feel about that comment, but, hey, I’ll take it.
My Story
I never really felt confident until fairly recently, and those compliments sparked some contemplation on how, exactly, I arrived at the person I am today. This blog will house my thoughts, philosophies, ah ha moments, hard learned lessons, and all the other nonsense that, combined, makes Troy Troy.
Next Steps…
If any of the things you read or see on this site resonate with you, please don’t hesitate to click the Contact Me button and let me know….