Find what works for you

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve undoubtably come across many Instagram or Facebook posts proclaiming that “if you do this it will change your life.” While that is probably true in the case of the poster, there is no guarantee that whatever “this” is will have the same effect on your own life. I’m not saying not to try it; what I am saying is, give it a shot, and appraise its value clearly and honestly. If it feels right, and has a positive impact on the direction you are trying to take your life, keep it; if not, learn from it and let it go. Try something else. It is important, when trying something new, to not allow your wishful thinking to blind you to its efficacy. Remember, this particular thing doesn’t have to work for you. It’s not the end of the world. Well, it’s not the end of the world if you don’t stop looking for things (and there will be many) that help you be a better version of yourself.
Later I’ll be sharing some of the things that truly changed MY life, and why they changed it.